Monday, April 7, 2008

A work in progress

Well, I wanted to do something with my old catalogs and I rediscovered my book on origami quilts. So I cut up my Nordstrom pages and created this mini paper quilt on a fabric background. I also used some wooden buttons from my stash to attach the origami to the background. Still need to finish the edges and do some quilting but thought I'd post. Which one do you like better?
Working on another one (Shards of a life ) using my shredder output and will post soon.


pcoxdesign said...

I like them both! Very cool idea and well executed!

Suzanne Freed said...

Love the idea! We'll never run out of materials.

Gretchen Jolles said...

I love design and the colors.
Wonderful idea. I agree with Suzanne, we could go on forever just using what's in our "trash".